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1. Defining where the querent is right now.
Body-Image Woes
Painting by Michael Sowa — a German artist born in 1945, a visionary genius see: Wikipedia entry on Michael Sowa or google his name for more images and information on how to purchase books, posters, etc. Card URL:

"My Avatar betrays me. It is a mortal-corporeal version 1.0 requiring constant, expensive upkeep just so that its limits can constrict my awareness. It carries me, like an arrow through linear time. It includes a brain that builds a simulacrum of this sensual world. I want to perfect my Avatar with mouse clicks, but it stubbornly adheres to source codes I cannot access. What an uneasy alliance I have with this quintessence of dust."
— Facebook status update by Jonathan Zap, 2010

Don't judge yourself by conditioned body-image notions. You are much more than your corporeal body, and your corporeal body is much more than its topographical reflection.

That's the short version, if you have time for a bit more:

Body Mountain

There are many ways in which the body can be our mountain. Like climbing a mountain on a stormy night, corporeal incarnation presents us with one risky challenge after another.

We live in a time where denial of the body has generated the polarized opposing view, the body-centric perspective. Neurological materialists believe that consciousness (if they admit such a thing exists at all) is merely an epiphenomenon, or secondary effect, of biochemical process in the brain. This unproven assumption is definitively contradicted by some of the findings of near-death experience research. Although the condition of our brain has a vast influence on what we experience while we are bound to this particular body, there is overwhelming evidence that we are not bound to a particular body.

See: Near-Death Experience and the Singularity Archetype (Note: this is Chapter 3 of Crossing the Event Horizon — Human Metamorphosis and the Singularity Archetype. The second edition of this book is available free on this site. Then read Chapter IV, Metamorphosis of the Body and the Singularity Archetype.

The body-centric point of view would have you believe that the body is not merely our life raft through human incarnation but that we are the leaky life raft, and without it, our consciousness ceases to exist.

One version of the body-centric point of view is the person who is morbidly obsessed with fitness, life extension, and so forth. Instead of living for deeper meanings, they are preoccupied with punishing workouts and extreme dietary practice, etc. as if those were ends in themselves. Misunderstanding our relation to body can make climbing Body Mountain more discouraging and obsessive than necessary.

Body Mountain is challenging enough without being a body-centric materialist. We begin life as infants entirely dependent on those with adult bodies to take care of us. As our bodies begin to take on an adult form, they often become possessed by raging hormones, which may obsess us with the urge to couple with other bodies.

At any moment in the lifecycle, our bodies can become ill or injured, presenting us with staggering challenges. In a book on the experience of illness, an author wrote that every human being is born with dual citizenship. In most cases, we have a passport granting us access to the land of the well and another passport into the land of the unwell. Most of us will spend portions of our lives in both lands. And if our lives do not end prematurely, we must climb the ever-steeper mountain of aging. An aging hippie I met this summer who was struggling with a heavy pack on a high-altitude trail told me: "The problem isn't being old, it's that you keep getting older!"

One of the best ways to experience Body Mountain is to take it on as a Warrior challenge. This is the path of athletes, wilderness explorers, and people who take on extreme dietary challenges such as fasting. Marathon running, mountain climbing, and fairly extreme dietary regimens have been some of the most empowering practices of my life. On the other hand, my overly-restrictive dietary regimens often misfired and created a lot of inner conflict and stress.

Approaching body mountain with warrior intentions often goes awry. If you are obsessed with a concrete aim like winning at all costs, then you become the sort of athlete who cheats with performance-enhancing drugs. Even more common is the fitness-crazed, egocentric, obnoxious yuppie type for whom anti-aging is a kind of dismal, shallow religion. At this phase of biotechnology, anti-aging is a nonsensical goal because, like all other animals on this planet, we have pro-aging bodies.

And even if anti-aging worked, it would at best serve to prolong our attachment to a single body, what Tolkien called "premature immortality," a reason for the elves to envy mortal man. Such self-centered and morbidly obsessed fitness types are not taking on Body Mountain as a Warrior challenge because a Warrior with a capital "W" always serves transpersonal aims. (See: The Way of the Warrior)

Depending on the context and card position, consider this an auspicious time to take on Body Mountain. Only your discernment can determine whether you need to take on Body Mountain as a Warrior athlete, pushing the envelope, as a healing challenge, as someone working with infirmity and aging as givens to achieve transpersonal service, or as a soulful surrender to mortal limitations and the upcoming event horizon of death.
Essential reading on Body Mountain is Chapter IV of Crossing the Event Horizon:
THe Glorified Body: Metamorphosis of the Body and the Singularity Archetype

On Aging and Mortality see:
You're Only as Old as You Are
Temporal Fencing and Life Fields

On Physical Beauty: Beauty in the Eye of the Phase-Shifter

Finally, metamorphosis of the body can be hard to take on in the abstract. Essential reading to see the concepts embodied is my sci-fi epic, Parallel Journeys, which can be read free on this site. If your prefer Audible, Kindle or physical versions, those are all available on Amazon.