Summon your will to make a major transition.
Change is our only true constant. Sometimes, change is gradual, but in other cases, life demands a major transition without delay. While it is certainly foolish to rush into a significant choice and act before we know, it can also be foolish to hesitate at the brink when a decisive call to action arrives.
As both Freud and Jung noted, the human psyche, like all organisms, is essentially conservative in nature. It seeks to maintain its homeostasis — its dialed-in equilibrium, and it resists and fears substantial change. But as the Dylan lyric tells us, "He not busy being born/Is busy dying."
This card suggests a time when you need to be busy being born, and that may require growth pain, labor pain, and metamorphosis. The great transition may involve inner change, outer change, or various combinations of both, depending on your circumstances.
Consider this an auspicious time to cross the great divide.