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Casting Pearls Before Swine
Hard to see in this photo, but the booklet is entitled "The Greatest Secrets"

"Keep it secret, keep it safe."
— Gandalf to Frodo in LOR: The Fellowship of the Ring (the movie version)

Keep secret work secret. Esoteric knowledge and inner work on ourselves should not be shared with most people. We live in a cult-of-confession society where people go on social media and television to spill out their personal lives. But consciousness work, esoteric work, is depotentiated and loses dignity when you share it with those who haven't earned access. As Aleister Crowley said, "If I tell a man something he isn't ready to hear, it is the same as if I told him a lie." Don't spill your pearls before swine; save them for your spiritual allies — those who share a deep commitment to consciousness.

Proselytizing often indicates an imbalanced psyche with a compulsive need to get others to share the imbalanced belief system.

Do not share pearls with people who don't recognize you as a source of wisdom and don't recognize pearls in general. When a pickpocket sees a saint, he sees only his pockets.

Consider this an auspicious time to share your pearls only with the most trustworthy spiritual allies. Keep it secret, keep it safe.
Whether this comes from an advanced spirit or not, the following words are super relevant and on target:

Communicating through William Stainton Moses during the latter part of the 19th Century, the advanced spirit known as Imperator explained that the "Truth" will always be esoteric. "It must be so," Imperator stressed, "for only to the soul that is prepared can it be given. Its fragrance is too evanescent for daily common use. Its subtle perfume is shed only in the inner chamber of the spirit. Remember this; and remember too that violence is done to the Truth by forcing it on unprepared minds, while harm, great and far-reaching, is done to those who cannot receive what is a revelation to you but not to them."

Tymn, Michael. The Afterlife Revealed: What Happens After We Die (p. 41). Whte Crow Books. Kindle Edition.