Neurological Influence
A friend and I were walking down a street in Seattle when I saw this hand-painted surreal billboard that showed brains emitting lightning onto a field of brain tissue. The billboard headline was "Brain Injuries Happen in a Flash." I had my friend take a flash picture of me before the billboard.

A few days later, a guy on a motorcycle rolled up next to me, and it turned out to be my friend, Bryan, from my mountain climbing days, whom I hadn't seen in years. Later, I had dinner with Bryan and his new wife, Bitin. I discovered that she was the one who created the billboard as part of her work for a brain injury non-profit. Bitin's life had been affected on every level by a traumatic brain injury (TBI). She told me about her ongoing recovery process and her work with TBI survivors.


If you're in a corporeal incarnation, your neurological state is a major factor.

The position of neurological materialism, that consciousness is an epiphenomenon or secondary effect of biochemical process in the brain, is a disproven failure. (see chapter links below) Nevertheless, for those of us enduring corporeal incarnation, brain health is a gigantic factor in our life experience. Take care of your brain! Avoid excess alcohol — even being a "moderate" drinker significantly undermines your brain. In any situation where people wear helmets, wear a helmet! Make sure you are getting enough Omega-3s. Be careful about any substance that crosses the blood-brain barrier. Don't go to sleep with alcohol in your system — it wrecks sleep quality. Sleep is crucial for brain functioning. Aerobic exercise helps your brain in multiple ways. Stabilize your blood sugar (your brain lives off of glucose) by eating complex carbohydrates and avoiding refined carbohydrates and excess caffeine. To state the obvious, your heart and entire body's health impacts your brain health.

If you're having mood or other psychological issues, check your state of brain health and sleep quality before investigating other causes.

Consider this an auspicious time to look into your neurological influences.
See A Guide to the Perplexed Interdimensional Traveler for insights into how neural architecture affects your emotions.

For more on the failure of neurological materialism and our transforming relationship to body, see chapters 3 & 4 of my book, Crossing the Event Horizon — Human Metamorphosis and the Singularity Archetype. The second edition is available free on this site.

Chapter 3 Near-death Experience and the Singularity Archetype

Chapter 4, The Glorified Body: Metamorphosis of the Body and the Singularity Archetype