We are so often our own worst enemy, locking ourselves into humiliating habits of self-punishment and abuse. A great principle of common sense is that if you try something that doesn't work for you, and you try it again and again and again, and it still doesn't work for you, then try something else. One way of defining a neurotic tape loop of thought and behavior is the tendency to do the same thing over and over while continuing to expect a different result than what you've been getting. Often, we punish ourselves because we have unrealistic models of perfection and find ourselves lacking. Failing impossible tests, we then abuse ourselves with excessive self-criticism, restrictions, or self-medicating indulgences. Excess asceticism and galling attempts at self-discipline often lead to their opposite — a self-destructive binge of some sort.
Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it, and this is especially true for relationship history and histories of neurotic self-abuse. Don't do anything that compromises your inner dignity. Don't hold yourself up to standards and harsh self-criticism that you wouldn't impose on another person you cared about.
Take the occurrence of this card as permission to forgive yourself. Please don't punish yourself for having punished yourself. We've all done it, and it is easier to deal with than the fallout of punishing others. If you find that you are criticizing your past performance and saying
I should have done this, I should have done that… Stop! Take a deep breath, and stop shoulding on yourself. Past is past — it does no good to punish yourself. Focus on being impeccable in the present.