Few of us access the array of powers that exist, at least as potential, within us. Probably the single factor that most limits our access to power is the central spell or enchantment of the
Babylon Matrix, which causes us to pursue outside objects, persons, or entities to find our wholeness and fulfillment. Once you embark on that quest, you become as enchantment-bound as a Ring Wraith. The hot pursuit of the external agent or object is the anti-magick, a black hole for any radiance of Self or personal power. For example, if a person is inanely infatuated, it is easy to see how much power he has abandoned. But if you instead focus on your own center, the Self, the source that flows through you, if you shift your gaze from the Precious to the fires of chaos, the boiling cauldrons of ones and zeros, the stuff that matrices are made from, then you become a subcreator and have access to the Wizard Within.
According to Aleister Crowley's definition, "Magick is the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will." One of my principles of magick is that the most potent ritual is not one you inherit from tradition, but one you create spontaneously in the moment with full conscious engagement. The ritual you create today can be more individual, unique, consciously intended, relevant, and applicable to the current conditions. A wizard is someone able to generate their own magic and shift the matrix consciously.
Accessing your inner wizard will give you great ability to transform the sovereign domain of your inner world. In the New Age, this is often inflated into, "You create your own reality." But the outer world presents many factors outside our inner control. So far, no sufficiently empowered, positive-thinking New Ager has created a planet without global warming or pollution, for example. (See:
Dynamic Paradoxicalism for more on You Create your Own Reality vs Outside Reality Creates You).
A wizard out in the world uses intuition to discern where to go and when and with whom. They will use cloaking to avoid unwanted attention that might limit freedom of travel and time. Sojourning in the outer world, the wizard is humble and alert, aware of being a stranger in a strange land.