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Viewing from Cosmic Vantage
Clear, penetrating, calm and impersonal vision.

Related Cards (sorted by relevance) 
*** Look Beneath the Surface
*** Abundant Universe
*** Cosmic View
*** Pulling back the Curtain
*** The Thinker
*** Eagle Eye
*** Despondent Angel
*** Wise Feminine Contemplation
*** Accessing Mutant Abilities
*** Conscious Witnessing
*** Cosmic Thinking
*** Ready to Travel Beneath the Surface
*** Esoteric Studies
*** Above Earthly Affliction
*** Eagle Vision
*** Impersonal View
*** Cosmic Vision
*** Projection World
*** Think
*** Farseeing Vision
*** Look Beneath the Surface
*** Lights Through the Veil of Darkness
*** Lights Through the Veil of Darkness
*** Eagle Eye
*** Pulling Back the Curtain
*** Pulling Back the Curtain
*** Pulling Back the Curtain
*** Pulling Back the Curtain
*** Projection Head
*** Live Mythically
*** Got Myth?
 ** Stranger than you can Think
 ** Microcosm
 ** Patterns
 ** Joker/ Wild Card
 ** Journaling
 ** Rebirth from the Dark Night of the Soul
 ** Journaling and Oracle Consultation
 ** Introspective Writing
 ** Unconscious Manifesting
 ** Time for Reflection
 ** Trial
 ** Eagle Stance
 ** Observing Synchronistic Patterns
 ** Patterns of Energy and Change
 ** Transformer
 ** Meaningful Patterning
 ** Contemplation
 ** Love Apocalypse
 ** Embracing the Unknown and the Unknowable
 ** Temporal Fencing and Life Fields
 ** Forecasting
 ** Interdimensional Traveler
 ** Dealing with Shock
 ** Shock
 ** Heart has its Reasons
 ** Journaling
 ** Forbidden Fruit
 ** Reaching for the Forbidden Fruit
 ** Relating to Shock
 ** Dealing with Shock
 ** Beginner's Mind
 ** Catch the Cosmos Doing Something Right
 ** Catch the Cosmos Doing Something Right
 ** Parallel Patterning
 ** Dark Night of the Soul
 ** Eagle Stance
 ** Beginner's Mind
 ** Beginner's Mind
 ** Seeing the Hidden Light
 ** Silent Light, Secret Light
 ** Allochromatic
 ** Allochromatic
 ** Pattern Seeking
  * Light and Dark are Interrelated Elements
  * Triangulation
  * Erotic Connection
  * Eye on your Journey
  * What you See
  * Unbalanced Vision
  * Meditation/Contemplation
  * Chaotic Social Conditioning
  * Persona
  * Molting
  * Wizard Within
  * Mindfulness
  * Warp Travel
  * Apocalyptic Collective Energy
  * Faces of Death
  * Half-Blinded View
  * Wu Wei
  * Socratic Dialogue
  * Divine Energy
  * Wizard out in the World
  * Sacred Quest
  * Blossoming of the Glorified Body
  * Core Essence
  * Go to Sleep
  * Interdimensional Traveler
  * Socratic Dialogue
  * He Said/ She Said
  * Do the Work Only You Can Do
  * Following the Tao
  * Transition
  * Toys in the Attic
  * Transition
  * Looking toward the Future
  * Interdimensional Traveler
  * Looking Toward your Essence
  * Essence
  * Lucid Dreamer
  * Conscious Dreamer
  * Blank Card
  * Something has to Change
  * Be True to Your Essence
  * Accepting Death
  * Fear of Death
  * Fear of Death
  * Journey Into the Unknown
  * Reflecting on your Legacy
  * Cooperative Interdependence
  * Crossing the Great Stream -- Accepting the Event Horizon of Death
  * Awakening from the Nightmare of History
  * Casting Light on your Obsessions
  * Breaking out of Imprisonment by the Phantoms of Childhood and Adolescence
  * Breaking out of Imprisonment by the Phantoms of Childhood and Adolescence
  * Approaching the Dream Time
  * Facing the Fear of Death
  * Traveling into the Future
  * Journeying into the Future
  * Light and dark are Interrelated Elements
  * Stepping off into the Unknown
  * Essence Revealed
  * Interdimensional Traveler
  * Living with Dark Feelings
  * Rebelling from the Phantoms of Childhood and Adolescence
  * Eating the Imaginary Steak of the Babylon Matrix
  * Persona
  * Cooperative Interdependence
  * Distorted Self-Image
  * Distorted Self-Image
  * Cooperative Interdependence
  * As Good As It Gets
  * Unhappy Inner Adolescent
  * Persona
  * Oppressed by Collective Darkness
  * Feeling Collective Doom
  * Socratic Dialouge
  * Approaching the Dreamtime
  * Interpretive Magic
  * Light and Dark are Interrelated
  * Emergency or Emergence?
  * No Fate but What we Make
  * No Fate but What we Make
  * Contemplating Apocalypse
  * Dark and Light are Interrelated
  * Allochromatic Way
  * Dealing with Crescendo-of-Awfulness Situations
  * Dealing with Crescendo-of-Awfulness Situations
  * You are Light Sheathed in Flesh
  * To Collapse or Not to Collapse the Wave Function
  * To Collapse or Not to Collapse the Wave Function?
  * Relating to Ambiguity
  * Dealing with Ambiguity
  * Dealing with Ambivalence and Ambiguity
  * Ambiguity
  * Exploring Ambiguity