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Human incarnation is usually a fluctuation between metamorphosis and stagnation. As the Dylan lyric puts it: “he not busy being born is busy dying”---Bob Dylan

Related Cards (sorted by relevance) 
*** Molting
*** Rebirth from the Dark Night of the Soul
*** Transformer
*** Metamorphosis
*** No Stopping or Standing
*** Metamorphosis
*** Unusual Couplings
*** Late Bloomer -- Valuing Prolonged Adolescence
*** Metamorphosis
*** Metamorphosis
*** Metamorphosis
*** Metamorphosis
*** Dark Night of the Soul
*** Valuing Prolonged Adolescence
*** Valuing Prolonged Adolescence
*** Taking on the Sacred Regimen
 ** Mutant Emerging From Eclipse
 ** Decay is Natural
 ** Faces of Death
 ** Trial
 ** Stagnation
 ** Under a Spell
 ** Soul Imprisoned
 ** Looking Toward your Essence
 ** Essence
 ** Be True to Your Essence
 ** Accepting Death
 ** Awakening from Depression
 ** Fear of Death
 ** Fear of Death
 ** Something Has to Change
 ** Crossing the Great Stream -- Accepting the Event Horizon of Death
 ** Dealing with Shock
 ** Facing the Fear of Death
 ** Shock
 ** Eating the Imaginary Steak of the Babylon Matrix
 ** Relating to Shock
 ** Dealing with Shock
 ** Emergency or Emergence?
 ** Soul Imprisoned
 ** To Collapse or Not to Collapse the Wave Function
 ** To Collapse or Not to Collapse the Wave Function?
  * Exploring the Unconscious
  * Toys in the Attic
  * Wizard Within
  * Persona Melt Down
  * Temporal Fragility
  * Exploring the Unconscious
  * Welcoming ELE
  * Blossoming of the Glorified Body
  * Core Essence
  * Journey into the Unconscious
  * Go to Sleep
  * Toys in the Attic
  * Cutting off Medusa's Head
  * Underworld Journey
  * Eclipse
  * Mastery of Unconscious Forces
  * Subterranean Complex
  * Crossing the Event Horizon
  * Diving Man
  * Something has to Change
  * Survival of the Soul
  * Self-Liberation
  * Wounded Spirit
  * Suggestions?
  * Liminal Space
  * Casting Light on your Obsessions
  * Frozen by Romantic Fantasies
  * Dealing with Depression
  * Forbidden Fruit
  * Reaching for the Forbidden Fruit
  * Exploring your Inner Content
  * Interpretive Magic
  * Rebelling from the Pain Body Matrix
  * No Safe Walk Through Life