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Emerging from Darkness
Suggestions for emerging from various forms of darkness.

Related Cards (sorted by relevance) 
*** Mutant Emerging From Eclipse
*** Turn that Frown Upside Down!
*** Be Wary of Toxins and Addictions
*** Addiction Man
*** Don't let the Mundane get you Down
*** Seductive Appetites
*** Pulling back the Curtain
*** Temptation
*** Soaring Shadow
*** Apocalyptic Collective Energy
*** Rebirth from the Dark Night of the Soul
*** Toxic Meltdown
*** Toxic Temptaions
*** Hungry Ghost
*** Burned by Reptilian Drives
*** Addiction/Obsession
*** Go to Sleep
*** Stagnation
*** Temptation/Appetites
*** Despair, Depression
*** Working in Hell
*** Reptile Appetite
*** Tempted by Inferior Nourishment.
*** Gluttony
*** Eclipse
*** Seduced by Glamorous Death Energy
*** Seduced by Glamorous Death Energy
*** Under a Spell
*** Soul Imprisoned
*** Eclipse
*** Monkey Man
*** Of Human Bondage
*** The Reptilian and the Infinite
*** Dead End Reptilian Addictions
*** Matrix Injection
*** Eclipse
*** Wasted Potential
*** Awakening from Depression
*** Self-Punishment
*** Wounded Spirit
*** Projection World
*** Facing Down Your Fears
*** Living with Anxiety
*** Nourishment that does not Nourish
*** Awakening from the Nightmare of History
*** Haunted Mundanity
*** Finding Your Way Through the Fog
*** Frozen by Romantic Fantasies
*** Rebelling from Victim Mentality and Self-Pity
*** Submitting to Conditioning
*** Living with Dark Feelings
*** Lights Through the Veil of Darkness
*** Lights Through the Veil of Darkness
*** Dealing with the Realm of Deadly Delusions
*** In the Realm of Deadly Delusions
*** Rethinking the Pirate Stance
*** Temptation
*** Oppressed by Collective Darkness
*** Feeling Collective Doom
*** Don't let a Thorn in your Side Become a Splinter in your Mind
*** Avoiding the Vampire Path
*** Dealing with Psychic Entropy
*** Looking for that Quick Fix
*** Defying the Dragons of Doubt
*** Rebelling from the Pain Body Matrix
*** Rebelling from the Pain Body Matrix
*** Dark Night of the Soul
*** Contemplating Apocalypse
*** Soul Imprisoned
*** Rebelling from Victim Mentality and Self-Pity
*** Pulling Back the Curtain
*** Pulling Back the Curtain
*** Pulling Back the Curtain
*** Pulling Back the Curtain
*** Projection Head
*** Miles to Go Before You Sleep -- Protecting your Life Drive and Will to Live
*** Seeing the Hidden Light
*** Silent Light, Secret Light
*** Dealing with Crescendo-of-Awfulness Situations
*** Dealing with Crescendo-of-Awfulness Situations
*** Dealing with Anxiety
*** Anxious Sojourner
*** The Inner Adversary
*** Inner Adversary
*** Bechira Line
*** Beware the Hungry Whirlpools
*** Beware the Hungry Whirlpools
*** Beware the Hungry Whirlpools
*** Feeling Trapped
*** Feeling Trapped?
*** Escaping Traps
*** Feeling Trapped
*** Dealing with Crescendo of Awfulness Experiences
*** In the Realm of Deadly Delusions
*** Dealing with Disappointment
*** Dealing with Disappointment
*** Dealing with Disappointment
*** Soul Imprisoned
*** Defying the Dragons of Doubt
 ** Mechanical Self
 ** Savage Potential
 ** Rebelling from Victim Mentality and Self-Pity
 ** Spirit Medicine
 ** Time to Clean
 ** Unbalanced Vision
 ** Oppressed Inner Child
 ** Survivor
 ** Cloaked Mutant.
 ** Tormented Isolation
 ** Overcoming Negative Inertia
 ** Prince Harming
 ** Hidden Interconnections of Light and Dark
 ** Parasite Lantern
 ** Making Your Own Medicine
 ** Even Daisies Cast Shadows
 ** Battling Devouring Mother Forces
 ** Poverty Consciousness
 ** Loss, Abandonment Fear
 ** Self-Acceptance
 ** Self-Liberation
 ** Breaking out of Imprisonment by the Phantoms of Childhood and Adolescence
 ** Blind Spots
 ** Rebelling from the Phantoms of Childhood and Adolescence
 ** Eating the Imaginary Steak of the Babylon Matrix
 ** Wary of Hungry Ghosts
 ** Survivor -- Read this Card if You Want to Live
 ** Survivor -- Read this Card if You Want to Live
 ** Survivor -- Read this Card if You Want to Live
 ** Glamorous Death Energy
 ** Grappling with the Dark Side of the Force
 ** Catch the Cosmos Doing Something Right
 ** Catch the Cosmos Doing Something Right
 ** Blind Spots
 ** Seeing Blind Spots
 ** Seeing Blindspots
 ** In on the Joke?
 ** In on the Joke?
 ** In On the Joke?
 ** Acting Out Inner Process in the World
 ** Acting Out Inner Process in the World
 ** Acting Out Inner Process in the World
  * Exploring the Unconscious
  * Toys in the Attic
  * Beware the Military/Industrial/Fundamentalist Religion Complex
  * Chaotic Social Conditioning
  * Persona
  * Molting
  * Persona Melt Down
  * Power Complex
  * Lesser of Two Evils
  * Exploring the Unconscious
  * One Gadget to Rule them All
  * Shadow Fragmentation
  * Peace
  * Avoid Castration
  * Half-Blinded View
  * Medusa Head
  * Despondent Angel
  * Message from the Shadow
  * Divine Energy
  * Loving your Shadow
  * Dead End
  * Blossoming of the Glorified Body
  * Tower of Babel
  * Body Wars
  * Journey into the Unconscious
  * Unhappy Inner Child
  * Authentic Suffering
  * Core Suffering
  * He Said/ She Said
  * Medusa Shield
  * Toys in the Attic
  * Embracing your Shadow and Inner Child.
  * Cutting off Medusa's Head
  * Narcissism
  * Naive Romantic Relations
  * Body-Image Woes
  * Blind Ego
  * Sadness Beneath Hype
  * Many Selves, Many Moods
  * Narcissistic Trap
  * Underworld Journey
  * Adolescent Social Matrix
  * Above Earthly Affliction
  * Mastery of Unconscious Forces
  * Subterranean Complex
  * Open Space
  * Diving Man
  * Essence
  * Giving Away Your Power
  * Power Worship
  * Facing Your Shadow
  * One-Upsmanship
  * Pronoia/Good Things are Goin' On
  * Wounded Invisibility
  * Stoking the Fire
  * Facing your Phantom Fears
  * Facing Down Your Fears
  * Centering your Shadow
  * Longing for Recognition
  * Course Corrections, Are You Willing To Be The Navigator?
  * Green Energy Flow
  * Casting Light on Your Obsessions
  * Self-Obliteration
  * Breaking out of Imprisonment by the Phantoms of Childhood and Adolescence
  * Monitoring the Inner Pressure
  * Fulfilling your Dreams
  * Adapting to Life in the Babylon Matrix
  * If In Doubt, Focus Out
  * Matrix Castration
  * Dealing with Depression
  * Adapting to Life in the Babylon Matrix
  * Persona
  * Distorted Self-Image
  * Distorted Self-Image
  * The Prison of Distorted Self-Image
  * Forbidden Fruit
  * Reaching for the Forbidden Fruit
  * Working on Self-Importance
  * Working on Self-Importance
  * Tired of Being Special
  * Tired of Being Special
  * Exploring your Inner Content
  * Unhappy Inner Adolescent
  * Persona
  * Getting Past Fear
  * Reaping the Unexpected Harvest
  * Wounded Invisibity
  * Course Corrections -- Being Your Own Navigator
  * Looking into Narcissism
  * Working through a Glass Darkly -- Adapting to the Difficult Conditions of the Babylon Matrix
  * No Fate but What we Make
  * No Fate but What we Make
  * Good Fences Make Good Neighbors
  * Working with Momentum
  * Working with Momentum
  * Staying in the Driver's Seat
  * Keeping your Hands on the Wheel
  * Good Fences Make Good Neighbors
  * Live Mythically
  * Got Myth?
  * Power Complex
  * Don't Hate, Discriminate
  * Dead End
  * To Slide or Not to Slide?
  * To Slide or Not to Slide?
  * To Slide or Not to Slide?
  * Stoking the Fire
  * Casting Light on your Obsessions