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Interdimensional Traveling
Your real identity is that you are an interdimensional traveler who has arrived from some other dimension at birth and who departs almost every day to another dimension called the dreamtime, a traveler who has a guaranteed portal out of this matrix, the portal called death, and a traveler who interpenetrates with the varied dimensions generated by other human psyches.

Related Cards (sorted by relevance) 
*** You are already an Interdimensional Traveler
*** Look Beneath the Surface
*** Opening the Magical Doorway
*** Portal Opening
*** Magical Portal
*** Rabbit Hole
*** Portal Opening
*** Warp Travel
*** Interdimensional Traveler
*** Ready to Travel Beneath the Surface
*** Interdimensional Traveler
*** Magical Doorway
*** Crossing the Event Horizon
*** Lucid Dreamer
*** Conscious Dreamer
*** Interdimensional Traveler
*** Approaching the Dream Time
*** Look Beneath the Surface
*** A Ball of Light in your Hands
*** Interdimensional Traveler
*** A Ball of Light in your Hands
*** A Ball of Light in your Hands
*** Soulful Reading
*** Approaching the Dreamtime
*** Feeling Trapped
*** Feeling Trapped?
*** Escaping Traps
*** Feeling Trapped
 ** Faces of Death
 ** The Wanderer
 ** Transition
 ** Transition
 ** Looking toward the Future
 ** Home on the Road
 ** Accepting Death
 ** Fear of Death
 ** Fear of Death
 ** Survival of the Soul
 ** Journey Into the Unknown
 ** Get out of the House
 ** Crossing the Great Stream -- Accepting the Event Horizon of Death
 ** Facing the Fear of Death
 ** Traveling into the Future
 ** Journeying into the Future
 ** Stepping off into the Unknown
 ** Adapting to Life in the Babylon Matrix
 ** Journeying
 ** Emergency or Emergence?
 ** Journeyer
 ** The Other Stars
 ** Every Man and Woman a Star
  * Exploring the Unconscious
  * Abundant Universe
  * Stranger than you can Think
  * Toys in the Attic
  * Spirit Medicine
  * Don't let the Mundane get you Down
  * Wizard Within
  * Exploring the Unconscious
  * Inner Voyage of Discovery
  * Threshold Guardian
  * Wizard out in the World
  * Sacred Quest
  * Blossoming of the Glorified Body
  * Journey into the Unconscious
  * Power Spot
  * Toys in the Attic
  * Underworld Journey
  * Above Earthly Affliction
  * Mastery of Unconscious Forces
  * Subterranean Complex
  * Diving Man
  * Embracing the Unknown and the Unknowable
  * Liminal Space
  * Storm Chasing
  * Eating the Imaginary Steak of the Babylon Matrix
  * Planetary Hot Spots
  * Stranger in a Strange Land
  * Forbidden Fruit
  * Reaching for the Forbidden Fruit
  * Threshold Guardians
  * You are a Jewel in Indra's Net
  * Acting Out Inner Process in the World
  * Acting Out Inner Process in the World
  * Acting Out Inner Process in the World