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Seeing through the Persona

Related Cards (sorted by relevance) 
*** Not What they Seem
*** Persona
*** Beware the Hollow Folk
*** Persona Melt Down
*** Narcissism
*** Narcissistic Trap
*** Family Relations -- What's Going on Beneath the Surface?
*** Investigate your Narcissism
*** Public Self/ Private Self
*** Projection World
*** How Others See You
*** Our Primate Social Matrix
*** Our Primate Social Matrix
*** Transcending the Meat Puppet Matrix
*** Essence Revealed
*** Acknowledging the Dark Side of Human Nature
*** Beware the Hollow Folk
*** Persona
*** Distorted Self-Image
*** Distorted Self-Image
*** The Prison of Distorted Self-Image
*** Working on Self-Importance
*** Working on Self-Importance
*** Persona
*** Looking into Narcissism
*** The Sweet Candy of Slippery Scarecrows
*** You are Light Sheathed in Flesh
*** Beware the Hollow Folk
*** Live Mythically
*** Got Myth?
*** Our Primate Matrix
 ** See the Many Sides of your Selves
 ** Meditation/Contemplation
 ** Molting
 ** Pulling back the Curtain
 ** Rebirth from the Dark Night of the Soul
 ** Wise Feminine Contemplation
 ** Core Essence
 ** He Said/ She Said
 ** Prince Harming
 ** Giving Away Your Power
 ** Blurred Boundaries
 ** Concealed Content
 ** Heart has its Reasons
 ** Tired of Being Special
 ** Accepting the Hazards of Relationship
 ** Dark Night of the Soul
 ** Pulling Back the Curtain
 ** Pulling Back the Curtain
 ** Pulling Back the Curtain
 ** Projection Head
 ** The Other Stars
 ** Every Man and Woman a Star
  * Look Beneath the Surface
  * Exploring the Unconscious
  * Mechanical Self
  * Inner Child Peering Through
  * Toys in the Attic
  * Stop the Hottie!
  * Journaling
  * Chaotic Social Conditioning
  * Wizard Within
  * Study your Emotions
  * Power Complex
  * Empath
  * Exploring the Unconscious
  * Soaring Shadow
  * Journaling and Oracle Consultation
  * Message from the Shadow
  * Loving your Shadow
  * Blossoming of the Glorified Body
  * Tower of Babel
  * Journey into the Unconscious
  * Unhappy Inner Child
  * Introspective Writing
  * Go to Sleep
  * Time for Reflection
  * Toys in the Attic
  * Ready to Travel Beneath the Surface
  * Embracing your Shadow and Inner Child.
  * Naive Romantic Relations
  * Body-Image Woes
  * Many Selves, Many Moods
  * Underworld Journey
  * Mastery of Unconscious Forces
  * Eagle Vision
  * Subterranean Complex
  * Interdimensional Traveler
  * Inspection Tour of the Collective
  * Impersonal View
  * Even Daisies Cast Shadows
  * Diving Man
  * Essence
  * Cosmic Vision
  * Facing Your Shadow
  * Half Listening as Usual
  * Mechanical Fragmented Man
  * Strings Attached
  * Contemplation
  * Self-Acceptance
  * Love Apocalypse
  * Exposure Zone -- Inner Contents Revealed
  * Wounded Invisibility
  * Relationship and Third Force
  * Peering into the Unknown
  * External Considering
  * Aspects of the Self
  * Reflecting on your Legacy
  * Accepting Multiple Identities
  * External Considering
  * Centering your Shadow
  * Longing for Recognition
  * Casting Light on your Obsessions
  * Self-Obliteration
  * Facing your Unknown Selves
  * Farseeing Vision
  * Look Beneath the Surface
  * Gazing into the Unknown
  * Inner Child Looking at You
  * Journaling
  * Finding your Soul Mate Tribe
  * Tired of Being Special
  * Exploring your Inner Content
  * Wounded Invisibity
  * Beginner's Mind
  * Avoiding the Vampire Path
  * Rebelling from the Pain Body Matrix
  * Pulling Back the Curtain
  * Beginner's Mind
  * Beginner's Mind
  * Power Complex
  * Respecting the Otherness of Others