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Dealing with Reptile Drives
It is all too easy to be taken over by reptilian drives---appetites, aggression, territoriality, etc. To earn free will, we need to observe and supervise those drives.

Related Cards (sorted by relevance) 
*** Be Wary of Toxins and Addictions
*** Addiction Man
*** Seductive Appetites
*** Temptation
*** Power Complex
*** Medusa Head
*** Toxic Temptaions
*** Hungry Ghost
*** Burned by Reptilian Drives
*** Addiction/Obsession
*** Medusa Shield
*** Temptation/Appetites
*** Reptile Appetite
*** Cutting off Medusa's Head
*** Tempted by Inferior Nourishment.
*** Gluttony
*** The Reptilian and the Infinite
*** Dead End Reptilian Addictions
*** Nourishment that does not Nourish
*** Green Energy Flow
*** Temptation
*** Wary of Hungry Ghosts
*** Staying in the Driver's Seat
*** Keeping your Hands on the Wheel
*** Power Complex
*** Beware the Hungry Whirlpools
*** Beware the Hungry Whirlpools
*** Beware the Hungry Whirlpools
*** Dead End
*** To Slide or Not to Slide?
*** To Slide or Not to Slide?
*** In on the Joke?
*** In on the Joke?
*** In On the Joke?
*** To Slide or Not to Slide?
 ** Savage Potential
 ** Lesser of Two Evils
 ** Apocalyptic Collective Energy
 ** Toxic Meltdown
 ** Dead End
 ** One-Upsmanship
 ** Facing Down Your Fears
 ** Facing your Phantom Fears
 ** Facing Down Your Fears
 ** Awakening from the Nightmare of History
 ** Self-Obliteration
 ** Dealing with the Realm of Deadly Delusions
 ** In the Realm of Deadly Delusions
 ** Rethinking the Pirate Stance
 ** Getting Past Fear
 ** Oppressed by Collective Darkness
 ** Feeling Collective Doom
 ** Survivor -- Read this Card if You Want to Live
 ** Survivor -- Read this Card if You Want to Live
 ** Survivor -- Read this Card if You Want to Live
 ** Avoiding the Vampire Path
 ** Contemplating Apocalypse
 ** Taking on the Sacred Regimen
 ** In the Realm of Deadly Delusions
  * See the Many Sides of your Selves
  * Body Wars
  * Survivor
  * Befriending Animal Self
  * Adolescent Social Matrix
  * Seduced by Glamorous Death Energy
  * Of Human Bondage
  * Neurological Influence
  * Poverty Consciousness
  * Aspects of the Self
  * Our Primate Social Matrix
  * Our Primate Social Matrix
  * Facing your Unknown Selves
  * Transcending the Meat Puppet Matrix
  * Eating the Imaginary Steak of the Babylon Matrix
  * Our Primate Matrix
  * Rope-a-Dope
  * The Inner Adversary
  * Bechira Line