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Recognizing mind parasites

Related Cards (sorted by relevance) 
*** Good and Evil Spirits
*** Avoid Castration
*** Medusa Head
*** Hungry Ghost
*** Medusa Shield
*** Cutting off Medusa's Head
*** Parasite Lantern
*** Battling Devouring Mother Forces
*** The Reptilian and the Infinite
*** Matrix Injection
*** Giving Away Your Power
*** Power Worship
*** Vampire World
*** Matrix Castration
*** Submitting to Conditioning
*** Dealing with the Realm of Deadly Delusions
*** In the Realm of Deadly Delusions
*** Wary of Hungry Ghosts
 ** Apocalyptic Collective Energy
 ** Spirit Guide
 ** Spirit Helpers
 ** Seduced by Glamorous Death Energy
 ** Seduced by Glamorous Death Energy
 ** Don't Settle for the Mundane Life
 ** Awakening from the Nightmare of History
 ** Self-Obliteration
 ** Oppressed by Collective Darkness
 ** Feeling Collective Doom
 ** Glamorous Death Energy
 ** Contemplating Apocalypse
  * Magical Influence
  * Authentic Suffering
  * Core Suffering
  * Go to Sleep
  * Sadness Beneath Hype
  * Spiritual Ally
  * Helper Spirits
  * Facing Down Your Fears
  * Facing your Phantom Fears
  * Facing Down Your Fears
  * Eating the Imaginary Steak of the Babylon Matrix
  * Distorted Self-Image
  * Distorted Self-Image
  * The Prison of Distorted Self-Image
  * Tired of Being Special
  * Tired of Being Special
  * Getting Past Fear
  * Dealing with Psychic Entropy
  * Rebelling from the Pain Body Matrix