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Following the Creative Muse
In The Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, Jesus said, “If you give birth to the genius within you,
it will free you.
If you do not give birth to the genius within you,
it will destroy you.”

Related Cards (sorted by relevance) 
*** Serendipity -- The Path of Creative Accidents
*** Peace
*** Free Self-Expression
*** Your Design
*** Esoteric Studies
*** Open Space
*** Creating Your Own Designs
*** Creating your own Magic
*** Create your own Rituals
*** Putting your Mark on the World
*** Working with Enthusiasm
*** All Work and No Play Make Johnny a Dull Boy
*** A Ball of Light in your Hands
*** A Ball of Light in your Hands
*** A Ball of Light in your Hands
*** Create your own Rituals
*** Create your own Rituals
*** Soulful Reading
*** Beginner's Mind
*** The Path of the Sacred Highlighter
*** Beginner's Mind
*** Beginner's Mind
*** Joyous Discovery
*** Acting Out Inner Process in the World
*** Acting Out Inner Process in the World
*** Acting Out Inner Process in the World
*** Create Your Own Designs
*** Creating Your Own Designs
 ** Opening the Magical Doorway
 ** Portal Opening
 ** Don't let the Mundane get you Down
 ** Journaling
 ** Pulling back the Curtain
 ** Rabbit Hole
 ** Portal Opening
 ** Wu Wei
 ** Journaling and Oracle Consultation
 ** Introspective Writing
 ** Do the Work Only You Can Do
 ** Spiritual/ Magical Inner Child
 ** Conscious Innocence/ The Unexpected
 ** Magical Doorway
 ** Right Livelihood
 ** Keep Reaching for your Dreams
 ** Fulfill the Promise of your Youth
 ** Fulfill the Promise of your Youth
 ** Don't Settle for the Mundane Life
 ** Haunted Mundanity
 ** Fulfilling your Dreams
 ** Unusual Couplings
 ** Eating the Imaginary Steak of the Babylon Matrix
 ** Journaling
 ** Interpretive Magic
 ** Defying the Dragons of Doubt
 ** The Inestimable Value of Unsolved Problems
 ** Pattern Seeking
 ** Defying the Dragons of Doubt
  * Androgyny
  * Mission in the Mundane
  * Wizard Within
  * Good and Evil Spirits
  * Spirit Guide
  * Inner Voyage of Discovery
  * Accessing Mutant Abilities
  * Wizard out in the World
  * Sacred Quest
  * Hermetic Work
  * Spirit Helpers
  * Working with Focused Intensity
  * Commiting to your Sacred Quest
  * Spiritual Ally
  * Chameleon
  * Making Your Own Medicine
  * Working with/ Transforming the Materials at Hand
  * Magical Manifestation
  * Blank Card
  * Helper Spirits
  * Green Lantern Path
  * Suggestions?
  * Reflecting on your Legacy
  * Casting Light on Your Obsessions
  * Think
  * Magick
  * Adapting to Life in the Babylon Matrix
  * Magick
  * Technological Magic
  * Storm Chasing
  * Adapting to Life in the Babylon Matrix
  * Forbidden Fruit
  * Reaching for the Forbidden Fruit
  * Striking While the Iron is Hot
  * Technology -- Servant or Master?
  * Who's In Command?
  * Reaping the Unexpected Harvest
  * You are a Jewel in Indra's Net
  * Course Corrections -- Being Your Own Navigator
  * Appreciating Inner Riches
  * To Collapse or Not to Collapse the Wave Function
  * To Collapse or Not to Collapse the Wave Function?
  * Reflecting on your Legacy
  * Reflecting on your Legacy
  * Casting Light on your Obsessions
  * Adapting to Life in the Babylon Matrix