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Regaining Wholeness
Inner independence -- reclaiming power given over to outside objects and projections, accessing your core, essence

Related Cards (sorted by relevance) 
*** Don't Lose your Power and Magic
*** Androgyny
*** Light and Dark are Interrelated Elements
*** Mechanical Self
*** Centered
*** Inner Independence
*** Pulling back the Curtain
*** One Gadget to Rule them All
*** Shadow Fragmentation
*** Soaring Shadow
*** Centered
*** Jealousy and Envy
*** Androgyny or Hermaphrodism?
*** Accessing Mutant Abilities
*** Loving your Shadow
*** Core Essence
*** The Peace of Working Within your Circle of Influence
*** Circle of Influence
*** Owning your Inner World
*** Many Selves, Many Moods
*** Hidden Interconnections of Light and Dark
*** Androgny is not Hermaphrodism
*** Inner Independence
*** Fractured into Gender Stereotypes
*** Your World in Your Hands
*** Looking Toward your Essence
*** Essence
*** Mechanical Fragmented Man
*** Self-Punishment
*** Self-Acceptance
*** Projection World
*** Self-Approval
*** Blurred Boundaries
*** Aspects of the Self
*** Accepting Multiple Identities
*** Postponed Self-Acceptance
*** Inner Wholeness -- Sealing your own Circle
*** Facing your Unknown Selves
*** Light and dark are Interrelated Elements
*** Circle of Influence
*** Individuation
*** Acknowledging the Dark Side of Human Nature
*** Inner Independence and Individuation
*** Light and Dark are Interrelated
*** Soul Imprisoned
*** Dark and Light are Interrelated
*** Pulling Back the Curtain
*** Pulling Back the Curtain
*** Pulling Back the Curtain
*** Pulling Back the Curtain
*** Projection Head
*** Allochromatic Way
*** Allochromatic
*** Allochromatic
*** You are Light Sheathed in Flesh
*** Good Fences Make Good Neighbors
*** Got Myth?
*** Inner Wholeness
*** You're Already There
*** Slow Down, You're Already There
 ** Exploring the Unconscious
 ** Toys in the Attic
 ** Stop the Hottie!
 ** Be Wary of Toxins and Addictions
 ** Addiction Man
 ** Erotic Connection
 ** Chaotic Social Conditioning
 ** Persona Melt Down
 ** Seductive Appetites
 ** Temptation
 ** Exploring the Unconscious
 ** Avoid Castration
 ** Toxic Temptaions
 ** Hungry Ghost
 ** Burned by Reptilian Drives
 ** Wizard out in the World
 ** Addiction/Obsession
 ** Go to Sleep
 ** Toys in the Attic
 ** Temptation/Appetites
 ** Embracing your Shadow and Inner Child.
 ** Reptile Appetite
 ** Tempted by Inferior Nourishment.
 ** Gluttony
 ** Mastery of Unconscious Forces
 ** Subterranean Complex
 ** Soul Imprisoned
 ** Eclipse
 ** Androgyny -- a Dynamic Balance of Yin and Yang
 ** Of Human Bondage
 ** Dead End Reptilian Addictions
 ** Diving Man
 ** Giving Away Your Power
 ** Facing Your Shadow
 ** Self-Liberation
 ** Iceolation of the Conscious Self
 ** Don't Settle for the Mundane Life
 ** Self-Healing
 ** Centering your Shadow
 ** Nourishment that does not Nourish
 ** Casting Light on your Obsessions
 ** Frozen by Romantic Fantasies
 ** Essence Revealed
 ** Blind Spots
 ** Heart has its Reasons
 ** Lights Through the Veil of Darkness
 ** Neglected Inner Child
 ** Temptation
 ** Reaching for the Forbidden Fruit
 ** Exploring your Inner Content
 ** Avoiding the Vampire Path
 ** Looking for that Quick Fix
 ** Rebelling from the Pain Body Matrix
 ** Rebelling from the Pain Body Matrix
 ** Blind Spots
 ** Live Mythically
 ** Seeing Blind Spots
 ** Seeing Blindspots
 ** The Inner Adversary
 ** Inner Adversary
 ** Bechira Line
  * You are already an Interdimensional Traveler
  * See the Many Sides of your Selves
  * Inner Child Peering Through
  * Mutant Emerging From Eclipse
  * Tapas
  * Eye on your Journey
  * Decay is Natural
  * Unbalanced Vision
  * Journaling
  * Not What they Seem
  * Persona
  * Molting
  * Wizard Within
  * Beware the Hollow Folk
  * Body-Image Judgment
  * Rebirth from the Dark Night of the Soul
  * Soulmates
  * Half-Blinded View
  * Journaling and Oracle Consultation
  * Message from the Shadow
  * Dead End
  * Blossoming of the Glorified Body
  * Body Wars
  * Journey into the Unconscious
  * Unhappy Inner Child
  * Introspective Writing
  * Interdimensional Traveler
  * He Said/ She Said
  * Befriending Animal Self
  * Spiritual/ Magical Inner Child
  * Narcissism
  * Naive Romantic Relations
  * Body-Image Woes
  * Blind Ego
  * Narcissistic Trap
  * Underworld Journey
  * The Solitary Journey of Individuation
  * Eclipse
  * Investigate your Narcissism
  * Interdimensional Traveler
  * Under a Spell
  * Even Daisies Cast Shadows
  * Matrix Injection
  * Eclipse
  * Power Worship
  * Be True to Your Essence
  * Wounded Spirit
  * Imagine Getting More
  * Cooperative Interdependence
  * Haunted Mundanity
  * Interdimensional Traveler
  * How Others See You
  * Submitting to Conditioning
  * Interdimensional Traveler
  * Living with Dark Feelings
  * Lights Through the Veil of Darkness
  * Eating the Imaginary Steak of the Babylon Matrix
  * Inner Child Looking at You
  * Rethinking the Pirate Stance
  * Beware the Hollow Folk
  * Persona
  * Cooperative Interdependence
  * Journaling
  * Distorted Self-Image
  * Distorted Self-Image
  * The Prison of Distorted Self-Image
  * Forbidden Fruit
  * Cooperative Interdependence
  * Tired of Being Special
  * Tired of Being Special
  * Persona
  * Who's In Command?
  * Wary of Hungry Ghosts
  * Looking into Narcissism
  * Accepting the Hazards of Relationship
  * The Sweet Candy of Slippery Scarecrows
  * Staying in the Driver's Seat
  * Keeping your Hands on the Wheel
  * The Dreams that Stuff is Made of