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Working with Oracles
A propitious time to consult oracles.

Related Cards (sorted by relevance) 
*** Oracular Synchronicity
*** Journaling
*** Journaling and Oracle Consultation
*** Introspective Writing
*** Oracle Consultation
*** Patterns of Energy and Change
*** Oracular Synchronicity
*** Playing the Hand You've been Dealt
*** Playing the Hand You've been Dealt
*** Journaling
*** Oracle Consultation
*** Oracle Consultation
 ** Chameleon
 ** Observing Synchronistic Patterns
 ** Meaningful Patterning
 ** Parallel Patterning
  * Opening the Magical Doorway
  * Portal Opening
  * Magical Portal
  * Microcosm
  * Rabbit Hole
  * Portal Opening
  * Magical Doorway
  * Feeling Trapped