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Related Cards (sorted by relevance) 
*** Love
*** Unhappy Inner Child
*** Self-Punishment
*** Self-Acceptance
*** Self-Approval
*** Love
*** Love
*** Self-Healing
*** Postponed Self-Acceptance
*** Love
*** Frozen by Romantic Fantasies
*** Love
*** Keeping your Inner Dignity
 ** Follow your Inner Path
 ** Centered
 ** Soul Imprisoned
 ** Stranger in a Strange Land
 ** Going Toward the Light
 ** Inner Wholeness -- Sealing your own Circle
 ** Heart has its Reasons
 ** Neglected Inner Child
 ** Seasons of Life
 ** Inner Wholeness
  * Rebirth of the Feminine
  * See the Many Sides of your Selves
  * Centered
  * Mutant Emerging From Eclipse
  * Stop the Hottie!
  * Inner Independence
  * Persona
  * Wizard Within
  * Empath
  * Soaring Shadow
  * Seasons of Life
  * Message from the Shadow
  * Loving your Shadow
  * Core Essence
  * Core Suffering
  * The Peace of Working Within your Circle of Influence
  * Embracing your Shadow and Inner Child.
  * Even Daisies Cast Shadows
  * Looking Toward your Essence
  * Be True to Your Essence
  * Home Sweet Home
  * Don't Settle for the Mundane Life
  * Pathfinding and Day-Mapping
  * Looking Toward the Light
  * Living with Anxiety
  * Feeling the Intensity
  * External Considering
  * Blurred Boundaries
  * Aspects of the Self
  * Looking Toward the Light
  * External Considering
  * Centering your Shadow
  * Haunted Mundanity
  * Casting Light on your Obsessions
  * Self-Obliteration
  * Facing your Unknown Selves
  * Nourishment
  * Circle of Influence
  * Can you Help?
  * Persona
  * Your Home is your Castle
  * Persona
  * Inner Independence and Individuation
  * Working through a Glass Darkly -- Adapting to the Difficult Conditions of the Babylon Matrix
  * Soul Imprisoned
  * Taking on the Sacred Regimen
  * Pathfinding and Day-Mapping
  * Dealing with Anxiety
  * Anxious Sojourner