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Moving toward Androgyny
the inner alchemical marriage of masculine and feminine

Related Cards (sorted by relevance) 
*** Androgyny
*** Erotic Connection
*** Androgyny or Hermaphrodism?
*** Androgny is not Hermaphrodism
*** Androgyny -- a Dynamic Balance of Yin and Yang
*** Projection World
*** Frozen by Romantic Fantasies
*** Projection Head
 ** Stop the Hottie!
 ** Inner Independence
 ** Pulling back the Curtain
 ** Avoid Castration
 ** Centered
 ** The Peace of Working Within your Circle of Influence
 ** Circle of Influence
 ** Owning your Inner World
 ** Fractured into Gender Stereotypes
 ** Giving Away Your Power
 ** Power Worship
 ** Inner Wholeness -- Sealing your own Circle
 ** Circle of Influence
 ** Matrix Castration
 ** Inner Independence and Individuation
 ** Pulling Back the Curtain
 ** Pulling Back the Curtain
 ** Pulling Back the Curtain
 ** Pulling Back the Curtain
 ** Allochromatic Way
 ** Allochromatic
 ** Allochromatic
 ** Inner Wholeness
  * Don't Lose your Power and Magic
  * Centered
  * Chaotic Social Conditioning
  * Wizard Within
  * Beware the Hollow Folk
  * Naive Romantic Relations
  * Your World in Your Hands
  * Cooperative Interdependence
  * Casting Light on your Obsessions
  * Rethinking the Pirate Stance
  * Beware the Hollow Folk
  * Cooperative Interdependence
  * Cooperative Interdependence
  * Avoiding the Vampire Path
  * Accepting the Hazards of Relationship
  * The Sweet Candy of Slippery Scarecrows
  * Beware the Hollow Folk