He Said/ She Said
CARD URL: http://www.zaporacle.com/card/he-said-she-said/
Focusing on the small side of relationship. It is all too easy for our attention to become obsessed with some overblown soap opera. Handle your relationships in a way you will remember well on your deathbed. If you are emotionally entangled, then ask yourself the question: "When have I felt this before?" If you are honest with yourself you will almost certainly recall having the same sort of feelings in previous circumstances. Instead of attributing the feelings to the particular, current situation recognize that outside events are merely triggers for classic internal patterns of emotional reactivity, which are inevitably stirred up by something. How much will the present difficulty matter in 100 years?
For more on how to conduct yourself in relationships and how to change those classic patterns of emotional reactivity see:
A Guide to the Perplexed Interdimensional Traveler
Other Intentions to examine your intentions toward the other
Challenging Thoughts on Love
Lessons for an Entity Incarnating as a Mammal
No Tristans Allowed Beyond this Point — Debunking the Western Myth of Romantic Love
Confessions of a Self Aware Starship
and other writings in the Eros: Love and Sexuality category of the writings section