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3. Archetypal force most ascendant in the querent right now.
Threshold Guardian
The Eternal City, oil on composition board, 1934-37, Peter Blume, Museum of Modern Art. Blume worked on this painting for three years. The green jack-in-the-box figure was modeled after Mussolini who is shown emerging from the Coliseum.

"Strange things happened near boundaries." James Gleick, Chaos

When you attempt to reach a new level of knowledge, self-awareness, empowerment, creativity, and freedom from past enslavements, addictions, and entanglements, you are very likely to encounter threshold guardians, which may take the form of sabotaging characters (within or without) or other adversaries and adversities that test your will, perseverance, and worthiness to advance to the next level.

I have often encountered threshold guardians at the start of a valuable journey or life change. I used to regard these encounters as setbacks or hardships, but now I recognize threshold guardians as signs that I am on the right track.

When threshold guardians appear, it is a sign that there is treasure beyond the threshold. Summon your will to keep following the path with heart.
See Threshold Guardians for a discussion of this archetype and examples from popular culture and classical myths.

In the epilogue of my sci-fi epic, Parallel Journeys, I describe a series of improbable mishaps during a road trip that had me wondering if my threshold guardian interpretation would hold up. It did, and it exemplified the principle that the bigger the dragon, the larger the pearl of great price it guards. Parallel Journeys, can be read free on this site. If you prefer Audible, Kindle or physical versions, those are all available on Amazon.